Party Running Order

The Party Room For Kids – Glen Iris

Our parties are 1.5 or 2 hours long, which is the perfect party time frame for children of all ages for momentum and great party energy.

Children’s energy levels and attention spans are vastly different to adults. Ten minutes which seems to zip by for an adult is like an hour to a child (…are we there yet?)! There is also so much going on in one room – lighting, theming, music, entertainment, party games – and after an hour and a half children’s energy levels begins to wane. Our parties ensure your children leave on a party high!

All of our parties follow a general format and games and activities are gender neutral so that both boys and girls have a great time. Here’s what happens:

15 Minutes Pre Party – Your Arrival

Warm welcome from a Party Room Host who will also ensure your guests are directed to The Party Room foyer and welcomed on arrival

Room Reveal and Party Start!

We love a bit of theatre at The Party Room for Kids and there is nothing like a room reveal with music of your stunning chosen theme to wow your guests!

First 15 Minutes – Welcome to The Party Room!

At The Party Room for Kids we believe children should always be entertained. Little party guests are whisked away to choose from multiple activities – face painting, face gems, glitter nails or tattoos.

Note that any child missing out on face painting during this time will be invited to do so later in the party.

15 Minutes into Party – The Party Room Magic Show!

While the children receive their face painting and tattoos, parents are still welcoming and receiving the remainder of guests who continue to trickle in.

Food service for adults commences.

Children are entertained with bubbles from a bubble gun!

First arranged activity of the day is conducted during this time.

30 Minutes into Party

Time for more party games and activities as arranged.

45 Minutes into Party – Party Food Time

Children are seated at our long dining table and food served by our staff  in grand style dining.

Birthday Cake Celebration Time!

Children gather to sing Happy Birthday to the birthday child.

65 Minutes into Party – More Party Activities

After dining, there are a range of party activities depending on the party theme and the “mood” of the party and interests of children.

Family and friends photo shots are taken and while the cake is being cut, children have a grand finale dance competition. Parents are also encouraged to have a final boogie! Children then return to the dining table or cushions to eat their cake.

85 Minutes into Party – Party Farewell

After lots of party activities, it is time to say farewell.

Lolly bags or giveaways are handed out with the help of the birthday star of the day.

If you still are keen on a longer party, we provide the option for two hour time slots at 4pm on Saturdays and Sundays only. We do not provide two hour time slots at any other time as it overlaps into other party sessions. Two hour parties are extended by extra party activities and games.

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